Just For Fun!
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/************************************************************************ > File Name: gluttonous_snake.cpp > Author: gou4shi1 > Mail: gou4shi1@qq.com > Created Time: 2016年05月17日 星期二 20时19分21秒 ************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> //cin cout #include <cstdlib> //srand();rand();system(); #include <ctime> //time(); #include <conio.h> //kbhit();getch(); #include <windows.h> //Sleep();SetWindow()、SetCursorPosition()、SetTextColorToXXX()内调用的函数 using namespace std; //把方向按顺时针顺序映射成数字 #define LEFT 0 #define UP 1 #define RIGHT 2 #define DOWN 3 //速度相关常量(每走一步后的等待时间越短,蛇走得越快): //t0:初始间隔时间;k:蛇身长度对速度的影响因子;min,max:控制间隔时间范围 const int sleep_time_t0 = 200,sleep_time_k = 25,sleep_time_min = 75,sleep_time_max = 250; //蛇可走的空间的范围、初始长度 const int snake_map_min = 1,snake_map_max = 18,snake_initila_len = 3; //向各方向走的坐标偏移量 const int dx[] = {-1,0,1,0}; const int dy[] = {0,-1,0,1}; //返回一个在[l,r]间的随机数 int random(int l,int r) { return l + rand() % (r - l + 1); //采用对区间大小求余的方法 } //设置窗口属性 void SetWindow() { SetConsoleTitle("gluttonous snake"); //设置窗口标题 COORD size = {100,60}; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),size); //设置窗口缓存区大小 SMALL_RECT rect = {1,1,50,30}; SetConsoleWindowInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),true,&rect); //设置窗口大小 } //设置光标位置 void SetCursorPosition(int x,int y) { COORD coord = {x,y}; //warning: narrowing conversion of 'x' from 'int' to 'SHORT {aka short int}' SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),coord); } //设置文本颜色为白色 void SetTextColorToWhite() { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); } //设置文本颜色为红色 void SetTextColorToRed() { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); } //设置文本颜色为绿色 void SetTextColorToGreen() { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); } //设置文本颜色为蓝色 void SetTextColorToBlue() { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),FOREGROUND_BLUE|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); } //设置文本颜色为黄色 void SetTextColorToYello() { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),FOREGROUND_RED|FOREGROUND_GREEN|FOREGROUND_INTENSITY); } //在(x*2+1,y)处输出字符ch //x*2+1是为了美观整齐,故内在坐标与屏幕坐标存在这一映射关系 //控制台坐标系:原点为左上角;x轴正方向为向右;y轴正方向为向下; void print(int x,int y,char ch) { SetCursorPosition(x * 2 + 1,y); cout << ch; } //屏幕内容初始化 void ScreenInit() { system("cls"); //调用控制台命令清除屏幕内容 SetTextColorToWhite(); for (int i = snake_map_min - 1; i <= snake_map_max + 1; ++i) for (int j = snake_map_min - 1; j <= snake_map_max + 1; ++j) if (i < snake_map_min || i > snake_map_max || j < snake_map_min || j > snake_map_max) print(i,j,'#'); //输出白色的围墙 SetTextColorToGreen(); SetCursorPosition(25,25); cout << "-----copyright by cgq" << endl; //在右下角输出绿色的版权声明 } //蛇的结点,蛇采用链表实现 struct SNAKE_NODE { SNAKE_NODE(int X = 0,int Y = 0,SNAKE_NODE *SUC = NULL,SNAKE_NODE *PRE = NULL) : x(X),y(Y),suc(SUC),pre(PRE) {} int x,y; //坐标 SNAKE_NODE *suc,*pre; //前驱与后继 }; //蛇 class SNAKE { public: SNAKE(); //初始化蛇 void GenerateFood(); //生成食物 void ChangeDir(char); //改变方向 bool move(); //移动一步 bool exist(int x,int y) { return snake_map[x][y]; } //返回(x,y)处是否存在蛇 int GetLen() { return len; } //返回蛇身长度 private: void AddHead(int x,int y); //在蛇头前方(x,y)处插入结点 void DelTail(); //删除蛇尾结点 SNAKE_NODE *head,*tail; //分别指向蛇头与蛇尾 int dir,len,food_x,food_y; //前进方向,蛇身长度,食物坐标 bool snake_map[snake_map_max + 1][snake_map_max + 1]; //蛇身地图:true表示那一点有蛇 }; SNAKE::SNAKE() { food_x = food_y = 0; tail = head = NULL; for (int i = snake_map_min; i <= snake_map_max; ++i) for (int j = snake_map_min; j <= snake_map_max; ++j) snake_map[i][j] = false; len = 0; dir = random(0,3); int snake_initial_x = random(snake_map_min+snake_initila_len,snake_map_max-snake_initila_len); int snake_initial_y = random(snake_map_min+snake_initila_len,snake_map_max-snake_initila_len); //随机初始化蛇 for (int i = 0; i != snake_initila_len; ++i) AddHead(snake_initial_x + dx[dir] * i,snake_initial_y + dy[dir] * i); } void SNAKE::GenerateFood() { food_x = random(snake_map_min,snake_map_max); food_y = random(snake_map_min,snake_map_max); if (exist(food_x,food_y)) { GenerateFood(); //若随机出来的点有蛇,则再随机一蛇身次,此方案可保证蛇外各点生成食物的概率一样 return; } SetTextColorToRed(); print(food_x,food_y,'@'); //在食物处输出红色的'@'标志 SetCursorPosition(head->x * 2 + 1,head->y); //把光标位置设置为蛇头 } void SNAKE::ChangeDir(char x) { switch (x) //若x不是wasd之一,则方向不变 { case 'a' : //用wasd控制方向 case 'A' : if (dir != RIGHT) //当前方向为向左时,不能一下子变成向右,下同 dir = LEFT; break; case 'w' : case 'W' : if (dir != DOWN) dir = UP; break; case 'd' : case 'D' : if (dir != LEFT) dir = RIGHT; break; case 's' : case 'S' : if (dir != UP) dir = DOWN; break; } } bool SNAKE::move() { int x_new = head->x + dx[dir]; int y_new = head->y + dy[dir]; if (x_new < snake_map_min || x_new > snake_map_max) return false; if (y_new < snake_map_min || y_new > snake_map_max) return false; //若撞墙则返回false,游戏结束 if (exist(x_new,y_new)) //若撞蛇则返回false,游戏结束 if (!(x_new == tail->x && y_new == tail->y)) //但可以“撞”蛇尾,因为实际上蛇头与蛇尾是同时移动的,实际上并不会撞上去 return false; if (x_new == food_x && y_new == food_y) { AddHead(x_new,y_new); //在蛇头前方插入新结点,即向前走一步 GenerateFood(); //若吃到了食物,则不用删除蛇尾,即蛇身变长一格,且需生成新的食物 return true; } AddHead(x_new,y_new); DelTail(); //若没吃到食物,则需删除蛇尾,以达到蛇向前走一步而蛇身长度不变的效果 return true; } void SNAKE::AddHead(int x,int y) { SNAKE_NODE *node_new = new SNAKE_NODE(x,y,NULL,head); //新结点的suc为NULL,pre为旧蛇头 if (head == NULL) tail = node_new; //若旧蛇头为NULL,即向空蛇插入新结点,需把蛇尾指向新结点 else { head->suc = node_new; //把旧蛇头的suc指向新结点 SetTextColorToBlue(); print(head->x,head->y,'O'); //把旧蛇头处显示的字符改成'O'(O代表蛇身) } head = node_new; //蛇头指向新结点 SetTextColorToBlue(); print(head->x,head->y,'X'); //在新蛇头处输出'X'(X代表蛇头) snake_map[head->x][head->y] = true; //更新蛇身地图 ++len; //更新蛇身长度 } void SNAKE::DelTail() { SNAKE_NODE *p = tail; //p指向旧蛇尾 print(p->x,p->y,' '); //在旧蛇尾处输出空格,以达到删除的视觉效果 snake_map[p->x][p->y] = false; //更新蛇身地图 tail = p->suc; //更新蛇尾 tail->pre = NULL; //更新新蛇尾的pre delete p; //回收旧蛇尾占用的内存 --len; //更新蛇身长度 } //开始游戏 void work() { ScreenInit(); SNAKE snake; snake.GenerateFood(); while (true) { snake.ChangeDir(getch()); //改变方向(除了第一次要等待用户输入,后来执行到这一行时,保证缓冲区内已有输入) while (kbhit()) //kbhit()返回键盘是否有输入(缓冲区内是否有新字符),且不会吞下输入的字符 getch(); //吞下多余的输入(避免输入间隔快于行走间隔时可连续改变方向引起) while (!kbhit()) //若键盘无输入,则蛇向前走一步 { if (!snake.move()) //若撞墙或撞蛇,则游戏结束 { SetTextColorToRed(); SetCursorPosition(10,21); cout << "Game Over!"; SetCursorPosition(10,22); cout << "Your Score: "; SetTextColorToYello(); cout << snake.GetLen(); SetTextColorToRed(); SetCursorPosition(10,23); system("pause"); work(); //输出结果后开始下一轮游戏 return; } int sleep_time = sleep_time_t0 - sleep_time_k * (snake.GetLen() - snake_initila_len); //间隔时间与蛇身长度呈一次函数关系 if (sleep_time < sleep_time_min) sleep_time = sleep_time_min; if (sleep_time > sleep_time_max) sleep_time = sleep_time_max; //但不会超过[min,max]这一范围,避免过快或过慢 Sleep(sleep_time); //注意S要大写 } } } int init() //初始化 { srand(time(0)); //设置随机种子 SetWindow(); //设置窗口 } int main() { init(); cout << "Welcome to the world of gluttonous snakes!" << endl; cout << "You can control your gluttonous snake by 'WASD'" << endl; cout << "Please input any key to begin!" << endl; SetCursorPosition(0,0); getch(); //getch()会等待键盘输入(不用按回车键,不会在屏幕上回显输入的字符)返回输入的字符 work(); return 0; } |
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